
Adams - Eros Piano
“Eros Piano is a quiet, dreamy soliloquy for piano played against a soft, lush fabric of orchestral clusters. It was a direct response to a piece by Toru Takemisu called riverrun which I had heard in a performance by the English pianist Paul Crossley.
It was equally motivated by the exceptional pianism of Paul Crossley, specifically his manner of making the instrument resonate. His is a control of both tone and touch that seems perfectly suited to the kind of shimmering atmosphere this piece aspires to”
(John Adams)

Berg - Chamber Concerto
This is a marvellous record … I repeat, a marvellous record, I cannot recommend it too strongly.

Daugherty - Le Tombeau de Liberace
… Paul Crossley conveys an infectious sense of fun whilst treading a careful line between observation and caricature.
(Hi-Fi News & Record Review)
Debussy - Piano Works Volume 1
Every note that he draws from his piano speaks of a desire for technical and stylistic perfection that is only found amongst the masters.
Debussy - Piano Works Volume 2
Paul Crossley is one of music’s natural aristocrats. Guided by a penetrating intelligence which takes nothing for granted, he brings to every note a care and attention which savours its incidental beauties – or perhaps its deliberate harshness – while placing it with immaculate precision in the context of a perfectly crafted objet d’art.
(Classic CD)
Debussy - Piano Works Volume 3
The subtlety of the colours, the transparency of line, the objectivity of the argument, the variety in atmosphere, the perfection of style make this Debussy extremely precious
Debussy - Piano Works Volume 4
Crossley may just be the Debussy pianist of our time…
(The New York Times)
Fauré - Piano Works
I am captivated by the radiant surfaces and sympathetic depths of this playing. The unique problems – in the matters of touch and rubato, for instance – presented by Fauré’s complex balance of sensuousness and austerity are solved over and over again as if by natural magic: the great sequence of Nocturnes emerging more than ever as a diary of the composer’s entire creative evolution … There have been a number of integral sets over the years: this surely outclasses them all.
(The Sunday Telegraph)
He approaches Fauré’s piano music with a blazing conviction of its underestimated greatness and an acute understanding of its elusive individuality.
… a velvet touch and flexibility that reminds one of Josef Hoffmann.
(The New York Times)
… the best complete set available
(Diapason d’Or)

Fauré - Violin and Piano Sonatas
At last, here is a coupling of these Sonatas which reveals them as the diverse, inspired pieces that they are … if this isn’t great duo playing, then I don’t know what is!
(Hi-Fi News & Record Review)
… readings of great distinction and elegance … if there has ever been a finer version of either sonata, it has passed me by.

Franck / Fauré - Piano Works
(E.M.G. Monthly Letter)
Fauré - Piano Works
Here’s enlightenment; Crossley catches the exultation and the serene anxiety of music that rarely gets its due… snap it up.
(BBC Music)
Here this subtle pianist makes us admire Franck’s sense of architecture, his feeling for “grand form”. With Crossley taste and intelligence holds sway, refinement and sincerity being equally matched.

Franck - Symphonic Variations
In the Symphonic Variations Maestro Giulini has found a partner of his own stature in Paul Crossley, a refined, sensitive artist who shuns pretension like the plague. His touching discretion, wonderful sense of celebration, and playful grace – rarely seen nowadays – allow Crossley to re-interpret a piece which can sound academic were it not in the hands of two uncommonly fine musicians.
Grieg - Lyric Pieces
… the recording overall achieves terrific atmosphere and a great many strongly communicative qualities. Crosslev, whose grasp of highly demanding twentieth-century repertoire by composers such as Tippett, Debussy and Takemitsu is both vast and compelling, brings frequent revelations to his performances in this recording. His ‘Arietta’, Op. 12 No.I, and indeed his ‘Nachklange’, Op. 71 No. 7 (‘Remembrances’), start and finish the disc absolutely beautifully, showing both him and his instrument in perfect sympathy.
( International Record Review )
Hindemith - Concert Music

HK Gruber … aus schaffen duft gewebt ...
Bossa Nova Op. 21/e (with Ernst Kovacic)

Janáček - Piano and Chamber Works
This is perhaps the most comprehensive survey of a 20th century composer’s chamber music since Atherton performed a similar service for Schoenberg, and if possible the results are even better … honours must go to Paul Crossley for his sympathetic and frequently dramatic performances … his account of the incomplete Sonata glows with passion as do his performances of On an Overgrown Path and In the Mist
(Hi-Fi News & Record Review)

… Concertino and Capriccio Paul Crossley plays splendidly … what matters is the liveliness, the fluency and the subtlety of understanding which he brings to the music … the Sonata is a powerful, dramatic work, but there is at its centre an undertow of melancholy which Crossley brings out beautifully, as he does the shifting moods of In the Mist and still more the set of impressions, memories and introspections that form On an Overgrown Path … It must be clear that no lover of Janáček ’s music should miss this fine album … It is a most striking achievement.
Liszt - Piano Works
… there is much to enjoy here for Crossley approaches these familiar items, even Liebestraum with considerable freshness.
… playing of exquisite tonal balance and an unforced, frequently expansive approach to melodic legato phrasing.
(E.M.G. Monthly Letter)

Lutoslawski - Piano Concerto
Paul Crossley meets the Concerto’s virtuoso demands admirably…
(BBC Music)
Messiaen - Des Canyons aux Etoiles
Even had Messiaen’s 80th birthday not been greeted with such a timid silence from the record companies, this album would be something special … Paul Crossley and the London Sinfonietta have been playing this score regularly for a decade: Crossley’s command of its mechanical rhythms and its radiant resonances is absolute, and everybody in the orchestra, too, knows exactly what is going on and why. Esa-Pekka Salonen directs the score with complete confidence.
(The Times)
When Salonen is combined with virtuosos like Paul Crossley and the London Sinfonietta, the result is a performance of etched linearity, sonic brilliance and searing intensity.
(The New York Times)

Messiaen - Piano Music
A Messiaen “sampler” … which deserve to be a best seller. The eight pieces Paul Crossley has chosen show Messiaen for the harmonic magician that he is … and should increase the ever-growing circle of Messiaenists, just as the way they are played is likely to widen appreciation of Crossley’s gifts.

Messiaen - Turangalîla – Symphonie
(The Observer)
… uncompromisingly positive, bold and colourful … and with the advantage of sparklingly precise, almost manically incisive piano playing from Paul Crossley
(The Sunday Times)
As piano soloist Paul Crossley couldn’t have been a better choice for this work … it is nearly a miracle that he is able to project such personality – and a bewitching one at that – despite the fact that his role is often subsidiary.
Poulenc - Piano Music
Crossley draws lavishly upon his own naturally elegant style, colouring textures with great subtlety and often evoking a lovely sense of nostalgia.
(The Times)
Ravel - Piano Works
His sonority is characterised by a luminosity particularly suited to the work of Ravel; dynamics are the richest and most subtle; rhythms are irreproachable, combining rigour and suppleness. Finally, and above all, intelligence and sensitivity combine in him to produce that indissoluble alliance which allows him to go to the very extremes of expression without ever passing beyond the limits of taste or transgressing the rules of style.
(Jean Roy – Diapason d’Or)
Ravel - Piano Music
This record is available only in Japan

Schubert - Works for Violin and Piano
Scriabin - Late Piano Pieces
(BBC Music)
Stravinsky - Works for Piano & Orchestra
(Diapason d’Or)

Takemitsu - Quotation of Dream
“I dedicate the work to two pianists, Peter Serkin and Paul Crossley, whom I have respected in long friendship”.
(Toru Takemitsu)

Takemitsu - riverrun
riverrun is the perfect introduction to this unique composer … it’s difficult to imagine a more poetic, sympathetic performance.
(The Independent)

Takemitsu - Piano Work
(BBC Music)

Stavinsky / Tchaikovsky - Piano Sonatas
Crossley, whose outstanding recording of the three Tippett Sonatas was released in 1974, is clearly not only the major British pianist of his generation but also one of the most exciting anywhere in the world today. His account of the Stravinsky, brilliant, incisive and totally committed, is surpassed only by a quite magnificent, concerto-like recording of the Tchaikovsky, a really first class performance in which every stroke tells and each paragraph is knitted together into a symphonic vision which makes a mockery of all the criticism this work has received in the past. Such advocacy is indeed marvellous and to have the technical equipment to match is a bonus difficult to value. Frankly, if Crossley continues in this vein he will leave most of his contemporaries far behind.
(Records and Recording)

Tippett - Piano Sonatas 1-3
(Records and Recording)

Tippett - The 4 Piano Sonatas
… an enthralling and inspiring experience for which I am profoundly grateful.
Paul Crossley shows himself as an inspired interpreter, more co-creator than executant. Rarely can a pianist have so strongly given the impression of being so perfectly assimilated to the master whose work he serves.
(Diapason d’Or)

Weber - Piano Music

Poulenc / Ravel / Debussy - Violin and Piano Sonatas
(BBC Music)